There are two vaccines available in the UK for the prevention of Shingles (herpes Zoster) and associated complications - Zostavax and Shingrix.


Herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles, is a reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) in a person who has previously had varicella (chickenpox). Herpes zoster commonly presents as a painful, self-limiting vesicular rash in a dermatomal distribution.


Information regarding the two types of immunisation can be found here:



What Shingles vaccines does Mayfield Clinic offer? 

Mayfield Clinic offers the Shingrix vaccine.  Adults should receive two doses of Shingrix a minimum of 2 months apart. 


Our 2024 pricing for the Shingles vaccination is £250, plus the cost of the consultation. Immunisation consultation pricing will depend on whether you are a non-member (£125) or member (no charge).