We have access to a number of national laboratories, and a large catalogue of tests. To obtain a test, please book:

  • A standard consultation - Where our clinicians will provide advice, advise you on appropriate tests and arrange the blood draw

  • A short blood test consultation - Where our clinicians are simply available to arrange the blood draw 

The fees for a blood test comprise a consultation fee plus the laboratory fee for the tests selected. 


The laboratory fees are listed in the table below.

Turnaround time
Laboratory fee
1,25 Vitamin D 5-8 days£149.00
11 Deoxycorticosterone 10 days£128.50
11 Deoxycortisol 10 days£195.00
16S rRNA Bacterial Gene 1 week£277.50
17 Hydroxyprogesterone 5 days£120.00
18S rRNA Fungal Gene 1 week£277.50
1p36 Deletion Syndrome – karyotype + CGH 12-17 days£847.50
21 Hydroxylase Ab’s 10 days£237.00
21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CYP21A2) . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£750.00
22q11 & 10p14 deletion (Di George Syndrome) – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) 5-15 days£728.00
22q11 & 10p14 deletion (Di George Syndrome) – BOBs only 5 days£260.00
2-Butanone GC 7 days£154.00
5 HIAA 5 days£103.50
5’ Nucleotidase 5 days£86.00
6-Thioguanine Nucleotides 2 weeks£181.50
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) 2 days£140.00
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) 2 days£296.50
7 STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 Sample) (Self-collect) 2 days£140.00
Acetone – Blood 6 weeks£116.50
Acetone – Urine 5 days£116.50
Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibodies 5 days£224.00
Achromatopsia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,600.00
Acid Phosphatase – Total 5 days£52.50
ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) 1 day£140.00
Activated Protein C Resistance 3 days£108.50
Acute Viral Hepatitis Screen 1 day£184.00
ADAMTS-13 Activity 3 days£100.00
ADAMTS-13 Antibody 2 weeks£130.00
Adenomatous Polyposis NGS Panel 4 weeks£875.00
Adenosine Deaminase 3 weeks£300.50
Adenovirus by PCR 7 days£281.00
Adiponectin 2 weeks£239.00
Adrenal Cortex Antibodies 2 days£65.50
Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,600.00
Alagille Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Albumin 1 day£30.50
Alcohol (Medical) 1 day£85.00
Alcohol (Urine) 1 day£85.00
Alcohol Profile 5-7 days£200.50
Alcohol Profile 2 5-7 days£271.00
Aldolase 5 days£62.50
Aldosterone 5 days£138.00
Aldosterone (Urine) 5 days£140.00
ALEX² Allergy Test (Self-collect) 3-4 days£331.00
ALEX² Allergy Test (Venous) 3-4 days£331.00
Alkaline Phosphatase 1 day£30.50
Alkaline Phosphatase lsoenzymes 5 days£121.00
Allergic Rhinitis/Asthma Profile 2 days£309.00
Allergy – 10 x Single Individual Allergens 2 days£304.50
Allergy – 5 x Single Individual Allergens 2 days£157.50
Allergy – Individual Allergens 2 days£42.00
Allergy Profile 1 (Food & Inhalants) 2 days£578.50
Allergy Profile 10 (Insects) 2 days£185.00
Allergy Profile 11 (Combined Shellfish/Finfish) 2 days£208.50
Allergy Profile 12 (Milk & Milk Proteins) 2 days£229.50
Allergy Profile 13 (Stone fruit/Rosaceae family) 2 days£229.50
Allergy Profile 2 (UK Aero Allergen) 2 days£319.00
Allergy Profile 3 (Food) 2 days£289.00
Allergy Profile 4 (Nuts & Seeds) 2 days£409.00
Allergy Profile 5 (Children’s Panel) 2 days£289.00
Allergy Profile 6 (Shellfish) 2 days£260.00
Allergy Profile 7 (Finfish) 2 days£260.00
Allergy Profile 8 (Cereal – singles) 2 days£152.00
Allergy Profile 9 (Antibiotics) 2 days£119.00
Alpha Gal Components (related to red meat) 2 days£70.50
Alpha Thalassaemia – alpha globin gene sequencing + deletions/duplications 4 weeks£600.00
Alpha Thalassaemia – multiplex PCR for common large deletions . Requires patient informed consent3 weeks£200.00
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (Serum) 1 day£121.00
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (Stool) 10 days£93.00
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Genotype – PI*M, PI*S, PI*Z . Requires patient informed consent3 weeks£250.00
Alpha-1-Glycoprotein 5 days£170.00
Alpha-1-Microglobulin 10 days£87.00
Alpha-2-Macroglobulins 5 days£116.50
Alpha-Fetoprotein 1 day£60.00
Alport Syndrome NGS Panel – full sequencing with deletions and duplications . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,600.00
ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) (SGPT) 1 day£30.50
Alternaria Components 2 days£70.50
Aluminium (Blood) 7 days£80.00
Aluminium (Urine) 1-2 weeks£107.00
Alzheimer and Dementia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Amenorrhoea Profile (LH, FSH, PROL, TEST, TOES, SHBG, FAI) (Self-collect) 1 day£150.00
Amenorrhoea Profile (Venous) 1 day£150.00
Amikacin Level (State dose) 1 day£121.00
Amino Acid (EDTA Plasma) 7 days£360.50
Amino Acid Quantitative (Urine) 7 days£360.50
Aminolevulinic Acid (Urine) 5 days£70.50
Amitriptyline 5 days£115.00
AML/ALL Molecular MRD – NPM1, PML-RARA, CBFB-MYH11, RUNX1-RUNX1T1, ETV6-RUNX1 . Requires patient informed consent5 days£422.50
Ammonia 1 day£94.50
AmnioBOBs only – rapid aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes + common microdeletion syndromes 5 days£260.00
Amniocentesis – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) 5-15 days£658.00
Amniocentesis – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) 2-15 days£651.00
Amniocentesis culture (karyotype) only 10-15 days£450.00
AmnioPCR only – rapid common aneuploidy diagnosis by QF-PCR 2 days£291.50
Amoebic (E. histolytica) Antibodies 1 week£54.00
Amoebic (E. histolytica) PCR 2 days£55.00
Amphetamines – Blood 5 days£91.00
Amylase (Self-collect) 1 day£51.50
Amylase (Urine) 1 day£51.50
Amylase (Venous) 1 day£51.50
Amylase lsoenzymes 5 days£193.00
Amyloidosis (Amyloid A Protein) 5 days£108.50
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Motor Neurone Disease) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,600.00
Anaemia Profile 2 days£174.00
Anafranil (Clomipramine) 7 days£121.00
ANCA (Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Abs) 2 days£116.50
Androgen Insensitivity – AR gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£750.00
Andropause Profile 1 day£185.00
Androstanediol Glucuronide 3 weeks£146.00
Androstenedione 5 days£94.50
Angelman Syndrome (Primary Screen) – methylation test 10 days£496.50
Angelman/Rett Syndromes NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,600.00
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 1 day£90.00
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme – CSF 2 weeks£124.00
Angiotensin II 2 weeks£148.00
Aniridia, Isolated – PAX6 gene sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£750.00
Anophthalmia/Microphthalmia/Coloboma NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Antenatal Profile 3 days£588.00
Anti-Actin Antibodies 5 days£87.00
Anti-Basal Ganglia Antibodies 3 weeks£438.00
Anti-CCP Antibodies 2 days£54.00
Antidiuretic Hormone 10 days£163.50
Anti-Liver Cytosol Antibodies 5 days£80.00
Anti-MOG [Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein] Antibodies 3 weeks£128.50
Antimony (Urine) 10 days£106.00
Antimullerian Hormone (AMH) (Self-collect) 1 day£130.50
Antimullerian Hormone (AMH) (Venous) 1 day£130.50
Anti-MUSK Antibodies 2 weeks£341.00
Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (titre & pattern) 2 days£55.00
Anti-Phosphatidylserine Antibodies 5 days£151.00
Anti-Phospholipase A2 Receptor 6 weeks£106.00
Anti-SLA (Soluble Liver Antigen) Abs 5 days£124.00
Anti-Staphylolysin Titre (SGOT) 3 days£57.50
Anti-Streptolysin Titre/ASOT 2 days£60.00
Anti-Sulfatide Antibodies 5 weeks£257.00
Antithrombin Ill Activity 3 days£82.50
Anti-Xa Apixaban Monitoring 3 days£120.00
Anti-Xa Edoxaban Monitoring 3 days£198.50
Anti-Xa Fondapariux Monitoring 3 days£110.50
Anti-Xa LMWH Monitoring 3 days£110.50
Anti-Xa Rivaroxaban Monitoring 3 days£120.00
AP50 Alternative Hemolytic Complement 2 weeks£136.00
Apolipoprotein A1 (Self-collect) 3 days£76.00
Apolipoprotein A1 (Venous) 3 days£76.00
Apolipoprotein B (Self-collect) 3 days£76.00
Apolipoprotein B (Venous) 3 days£76.00
Apolipoprotein C 3 months£91.00
Apolipoprotein E (12 hours fasting) 5 days£93.00
Apolipoprotein E genotype – E2/E3/E4 2 weeks£235.50
Apple Components 2 days£103.50
APTT/KCCT 1 day£43.50
Aquaporin 4 Antibodies (Neuromyelitis Optica) 2 weeks£276.00
Arbovirus Antibodies/Abs 3 weeks£193.00
Array-CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridisation) SNP array 10 days£822.50
Arsenic (Blood) 5 days£83.50
Arsenic (Urine) 5 days£83.50
Arylsulphatase A 8 weeks£325.50
Ascariasis Serology 5 days£87.00
Ashkenazi Breast Cancer Screen – common variants . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£425.00
Ashkenazi Jewish Carrier Screen . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£600.00
Aspartate Transaminase (AST) (SGOT) 1 day£30.50
Aspergillus Components 2 days£203.00
Aspergillus Precipitins 5 days£128.50
Ataxia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema Profile (14 allergens) 2 days£331.00
Atypical Antibody Screen (handwritten tube label) 2 days£58.50
Atypical Pneumonia Screen 3 days£140.00
Autoantibody Profile I 2 days£152.00
Autoantibody Profile II 3 days£143.50
Autoinflammation/Periodic Fever NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Avian Precipitins (11 Species) 5 days£369.50
Azoospermia – karyotype + Y deletions + cystic fibrosis screen (+ polyT(5T) when clinically relevant) 10-15 days£936.50
B cell Clonality Assay (IgH and IgK) 2 weeks£444.00
Babesia PCR 7 days£109.50
Bancroftia/Oncerciasis/Filarial Antibodies 2 weeks£171.00
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Batten Disease (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
BCR/ABL Quantitative – fusion gene sizes p190 + p210 10 days£367.50
BCR-ABL Diagnostic Assay 2 weeks£393.00
Becker/Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – deletions/duplications 10 days£719.50
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome – methylation studies on 11p15 imprinting domains KvDMR + H19 . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£600.00
Behcet’s Disease – HLA Tissue Typing B*51 10 days£240.50
Bence-Jones Protein 5 days£102.50
Benzene 3 days£135.00
Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 Abs 2 days£124.00
Beta 2 Microglobulin (Serum) 2 days£97.00
Beta 2 Microglobulin (Urine) 3 days£109.50
Beta Carotene 5 days£139.00
Beta D Glucan 3 days£130.50
Beta Thalassaemia – beta-globin gene sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£600.00
Beta-Glucuronidase (Sly Disease) 8 weeks£276.00
Bicarbonate 1 day£26.00
Bile Acids – Serum 1 day£66.50
Bilharzia (Schistosome) Antibody Screen 10 days£116.50
Bilharzia (Urine) 1-2 days£73.50
Bilirubin (Direct) 1 day£30.50
Bilirubin (Indirect) 1 day£30.50
Bilirubin (Total) 1 day£30.50
Biotin 5 days£154.00
Biotinidase 3 weeks£185.00
Birch Components 2 days£171.00
Bismuth 5 days£161.00
BK Polyoma Virus by PCR 5 days£236.00
Bleeding and Platelet Gene Panel . Requires patient informed consent12 weeks£1,138.50
Blood Culture# 6 days +£100.00
Blood Film Examination 1 day£36.00
Blood Group † 2 days£64.50
Blood PCR for Chromosome 13, 18, 21 and sex chromosomes 5 days£267.00
BNP (NT-pro BNP) 1 day£94.50
Bone Alkaline Phosphatase 2 weeks£120.00
Bone Marrow (Aspirate) 14 days£531.00
Bone Marrow (Trephine Biopsy) 3 days£642.00
Bone Screen 1 day£56.50
Bone Screen (Bloods only) 1 day£129.50
Borrelia Antibodies (Lyme Disease) IgG, IgM 2 days£94.50
Borrelia Antibodies (Lyme Disease) IgM 2 days£73.50
Borrelia Confirmation (Immunoblot) 10 days£351.00
Brazil Components 2 days£70.50
Breast Cancer – BRCA1 + BRCA2 genes only . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£450.00
Breast Cancer Ashkenazi Screen – common variants . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£425.00
Breast Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£850.00
Bromide 3 days£148.00
Brucella Serology 2-3 weeks£98.50
Brugada Syndrome/Long QT Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4-6 weeks£1,100.00
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) (Calculated) 1 day£33.50
C Peptide 3 days£134.00
C Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity) (Self-collect) 1 day£54.00
C Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity) (Venous) 1 day£54.00
C Reactive Protein (Self-collect) 1 day£54.00
C Reactive Protein (Venous) 1 day£54.00
C1 Esterase Inhibitor 5 days£93.00
C1 Esterase: Function & Total 10 days£196.50
C1q Binding Immune Complex 5 days£106.00
C3 Complement 1 day
C3/C4 Complement 1 day£91.00
C4 Complement 1 day£55.00
CA 125 (Self-collect) 1 day£127.00
CA 125 (Venous) 1 day£127.00
CA 15-3 1 day£127.00
CA 19-9 1 day£127.00
CA 50 5 days£157.50
CA 72-4 5 days£136.00
CADASIL – NOTCH3 gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Cadmium (Blood) 5 days£83.50
Cadmium (Urine) 5 days£83.50
Caeruloplasmin 1 day£57.50
CAKUT (Congenital Anomalies of Kidney & Urinary Tract) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Calcitonin 1 day£139.00
Calcium (24 hour Urine) 1 day£33.50
Calcium (Venous) 1 day£30.50
Calcium + Vitamin D (Venous) 1 day£106.50
Calcium/Creatinine Ratio 1 day£57.50
Calprotectin 5 days£97.00
Calprotectin (Self-collect) 5 days£97.00
Calprotectin/QFIT Profile (Combined) (QFIT) 5 days£154.50
Calprotectin/QFIT Profile (Combined) (Self-collect) 5 days£154.50
Campylobacter Jejuni Antibodies 5 days£81.00
Cancer, Comprehensive NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,200.00
Candida (Culture for ID + Sensitivities) 2-4 days£81.00
Candida (Culture for ID Only) 2-4 days£81.00
Candida Antibodies 5 days£120.00
Candida auris Screen 2-4 days£103.00
Cannabinoids (Urine) Screen 1 day£55.00
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 1 day£65.50
Carbapenemase producing organism screen 4-5 days <sup>‡</sup>£116.50
Carbohydrate Deficient Glycoprotein 2 weeks£293.50
Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) (Self-collect) 3 days£161.00
Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) (Venous) 3 days£161.00
Carboxyhaemoglobin 1 week£83.50
Carcino Embryonic Antigen 1 day£80.00
Cardiolipin Antibodies (IgG+IgM) 2 days£82.50
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,100.00
Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,100.00
Cardiovascular Risk Profile 1 3 days£362.50
Cardiovascular Risk Profile 2 3 days£437.00
Cardiovascular, Comprehensive NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Carotenes 5 days£139.00
Carrier Screen (Ashkenazi Jewish) – Partnered Report . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£750.00
Carrier Screen (Ashkenazi Jewish) . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£600.00
Carrier Screen (Pan-Ethnic) – Partnered Report . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£750.00
Carrier Screen (Pan-Ethnic) . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£600.00
Cashew Components 2 days£70.50
Cat Components 2 days£103.50
Cat Scratch Fever (Bartonella IgG) 5 days£208.50
Catecholamines (Plasma) 5 days£124.00
Catecholamines (Urine) 5 days£157.50
CCP Antibodies (RF) 2 days£54.00
CD16 1 day£124.00
CD19 B Cells 1 day£124.00
CD20 2 days£135.00
CD25 2 days£91.00
CD3/CD4/CD8 1 day£257.00
CD56 1 day£87.00
CD57 1 day£120.00
Celery Components 2 days£70.50
Cervical Cytology 6 days (combined report)£88.00
Cervical Cytology + HP20 6 days (combined report)£203.00
Cervical Cytology + HPVH 6 days (combined report)£161.50
Cervical Cytology + HPVT 6 days (combined report)£234.00
CH50 (Classical pathway) 4 days£120.00
Chagas Disease Serology (S.American Trypanosomiasis) T. Cruzi 10 days£151.00
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Type 1A – PMP22 duplications . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£425.00
CHARGE Syndrome – CHD7 gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Chest Pain Profile STAT£138.00
Chikungunya Virus Abs 10 days£193.00
Chlamydia – PCR swab 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia – Thin Prep 2 days£93.00
Chlamydia – Urine 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia Species Specific (MIF) Ab Screen 3 days£107.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – PCR Swab 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Rectal (PCR) 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Rectal (Self-collect) 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Thin Prep 2 days£93.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Throat (PCR) 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Throat (Self-collect) 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Urine (FCRU) 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Urine (Self-collect) 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea – Vaginal (Self-collect) 2 days£80.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – PCR Swab 2 days£120.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – Thin Prep 2 days£120.00
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas – Urine 2 days£120.00
Chloride 1 day£26.00
Cholestasis NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Cholesterol 1 day£28.00
Cholesterol (Familial Hypercholesterolaemia) . Requires patient informed consent7 weeks£665.50
Cholinesterase (Serum/Pseudo) 1 day£56.50
Chromium (Blood) 5 days£73.50
Chromium (Urine) 4 weeks£73.50
Chromogranin A 1 week£163.50
Chromogranin A & B 3 weeks£286.50
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – culture only 10-15 days£450.00
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) 5-15 days£658.00
Chromosome Analysis (Amniocentesis) – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) 2-15 days£651.00
Chromosome Analysis (Blood) 2-3 weeks£469.00
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – culture only 10-15 days£450.00
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) 5-15 days£658.00
Chromosome Analysis (Chorionic Villus) – rapid PCR diagnosis for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) 2-15 days£614.00
Chromosome Analysis (Products of Conception) 20-25 days£488.50
Chromosome Analysis (Products of Conception) – BOBs rapid aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (10 days) + culture (25 days) 10-25 days£658.00
Chromosome Analysis (Solid Tissue) 4-5 weeks£488.50
Chromosome Y Deletion – AZFa, AZFb, AZFc + SRY 5 days£253.50
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Profile 5 days£409.00
Citrate (Blood) 5 days£90.00
Citrate (Urine) 5 days£92.00
CK (MB Fraction) 1 day£50.50
CK Isoenzymes 5 days£121.00
C-KIT D816V variant – Mastocytosis . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£200.00
Clobazam 5 days£121.00
Clomipramine (Anafranil) 7 days£121.00
Clonazepam 7 days£109.50
Clostridium Difficile Toxin by PCR 2 days£103.00
CMV IgM Antibodies 1 day£136.00
Coagulation Profile 1 1 day£83.50
Coagulation Profile 2 1 day£109.50
Cobalt (Blood) 5 days£83.50
Cobalt (Urine) 5 days£83.50
Cocaine (Urine) Screen 1 day£31.50
Coeliac Disease – HLA DQ2/DQ8 Genotype 10 days£209.50
Coeliac/Gluten Genetic Profile 2 10 days£357.00
Coeliac/Gluten Sensitivity Profile 2 days£170.00
Coenzyme Q10 2 weeks£163.50
Cold Agglutinin 5 days£66.50
Colloid Antigen-2 Antibodies 2 weeks£124.00
Colorectal Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£850.00
Comparative Genomic Hybridisation (CGH) SNP array 10 days£822.50
Complement C1q 5 days£76.00
Complement C2 10 days£173.00
Complement C3 1 day£55.00
Complement C4 1 day£55.00
Complement C5 2 weeks£173.00
Complement C6 5 weeks£80.00
Complement C7 5 weeks£80.00
Complement C8 5 weeks£81.00
Complement C9 5 weeks£80.00
Complement Factor H 3 weeks£169.00
Complex PSA (Prostate Specific Ag) 3 days£80.00
Congenital Absence of Vas Deferens – karyotype + Y deletions + cystic fibrosis screen (+ polyT(5T) when clinically relevant) 10-15 days£936.50
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia NGS Panel 6 weeks£1,600.00
Congenital Myopathy NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Connective Tissue Disorders NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Coombs (Direct Antiglobulin Test) 2 days£35.00
Copper (Serum) 5 days£62.50
Copper (Urine) 5 days£62.50
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,200.00
Cortisol (Self-collect) 1 day£57.50
Cortisol (Urine) 5 days£78.50
Cortisol (Venous) 1 day£57.50
Cortisol Binding Globulin 1 month£128.50
Cotinine (Serum) 4 days£96.00
Cotinine (Urine) 2 days£72.50
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) (PCR) 1 day£187.00
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA by PCR (Self-collect) 1 day£187.00
COVID-19 (SPIKE) Antibodies (Self-collect) 1 day£55.50
COVID-19 (SPIKE) Antibodies (Venous) 1 day£55.50
Cow’s Milk Components 2 days£203.00
Craniosynostosis NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Creatine Kinase (CK, CPK) 1 day£36.00
Creatinine (including eGFR) (Self-collect) 1 day£30.50
Creatinine (including eGFR) (Venous) 1 day£30.50
Creatinine (Urine) 1 day£42.00
Creatinine Clearance 1 day£55.00
Cri du Chat Syndrome – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) 5-15 days£728.00
Cri du Chat Syndrome – BOBs only 5 days£260.00
Crosslaps (Serum DPD) 4 days£107.00
Cryoglobulins 10 days£60.00
Cryptococcal Antigen 1 day£100.00
Cryptosporidium 2 days£81.00
Cryptosporidium Detection by PCR 2 days£81.00
CSF for Microscopy and Culture 1-3 days£89.50
CSF Screen by PCR 2 days£128.50
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – PCR Swab 2 days£120.00
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – Thin Prep 2 days£120.00
CT/GC/Trichomonas/Mgen – Urine 2 days£120.00
CVS PCR for common aneuploidies (2 days) + culture (10-15 days) 2-15 days£614.00
CVSBOBs – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (5 days) + culture (10-15 days) 5-15 days£658.00
CVSBOBs only – rapid aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes + common microdeletion syndromes 5 days£260.00
Cyclosporin 1 day£135.00
Cyfra 21-1 4 days£198.50
Cystatin C 5 days£104.50
Cystic Fibrosis (139 common variants) – reflex to Poly T when required 5-7 days£329.50
Cystine – Quantitative (Beta-CTX) 5 days£130.50
Cytochrome P450 2C19 10 days£472.50
Cytomegalovirus (CMV-DNA) Amnio 5 days£261.00
Cytomegalovirus (IgG/IgM) Antibodies 1 day£85.00
Cytomegalovirus (PCR) Semen 7 days£261.00
Cytomegalovirus (PCR) Urine 5 days£261.00
Cytomegalovirus Avidity 10 days£130.50
Cytomegalovirus DNA (PCR) 5 days£261.00
Cytomegalovirus Resistance 21 days£659.00
D-Dimers (Fibrinogen Degradation Products) 1 day£72.50
Decidualization Score (DS) 2-3 weeks£639.00
Dengue Fever PCR 2 weeks£285.50
Dengue Virus Serology 5 days£124.00
Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) – Serum 4 days£107.00
Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) – Urine 4 days£107.00
DHEA 7-10 days£142.50
DHEA – Urine (Dehydroepiandrosterone) 3 weeks£103.50
DHEA Sulphate (Self-collect) 1 day£83.50
DHEA Sulphate (Venous) 1 day£83.50
Diabetes – Obesity NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Diabetic Profile 1 1 day£64.50
Diabetic Profile 2 2 days£124.00
Diamine Oxidase Activity 2 weeks£98.50
Diazepam (Valium) 7 days£109.50
DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11 & 10p14 deletion) – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) 5-15 days£728.00
DiGeorge Syndrome (22q11 & 10p14) – BOBs only 5 days£260.00
Digoxin 1 day£90.00
Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase deficiency screening (Fluoropyrimidine Toxicity) 1-2 weeks£374.00
Dihydrotestosterone 7 days£135.00
Dilated Cardiomyopathy NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,100.00
Diphtheria Antibodies 5 days£87.00
DL1 Biochemistry Profile 1 day£50.00
DL10 Cardiovascular Risk Profile 1 3 days£250.00
DL11 Cardiovascular Risk Profile 2 3 days£320.00
DL12 7 STI Profile by PCR (7 PCR Tests from 1 Sample) 2 days£140.00
DL12 7 STI Profile by PCR (7 PCR tests from 1 Sample) (Self-collect) 2 days£140.00
DL1L Biochemistry Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol 1 day£55.00
DL2 Biochemistry (24 Parameters) & Haematology Profile 1 day£65.00
DL2L Biochemistry (24 Parameters) & Haematology Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol 1 day£70.00
DL3 Haematology Profile 1 day£32.00
DL4 Biochemistry (16 Parameters) & Haematology Profile 1 day£60.00
DL4L Biochemistry (16 Parameters) & Haematology Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol 1 day£65.00
DL5 Biochemistry & Haematology Postal Profile 1 day£60.00
DL5L Biochemistry & Haematology Postal Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol 1 day£65.00
DL6 General Well Person Profile 1 day£130.00
DL6L General Well Person Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol 1 day£135.00
DL7 Well Man Profile 1 day£160.00
DL7L Well Man Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol 1 day£165.00
DL8 Well Person Profile 1 day£160.00
DL8L Well Person Profile plus HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol 1 day£165.00
DL9F Senior Female Profile 60+ 2 days£390.00
DL9M Senior Male Profile 60+ 2 days£380.00
DNA (Double Stranded) Antibodies IgG 2 days£65.50
DNA (Single Stranded) Antibodies 5 days£73.50
DNA Extraction & Storage – 3 years (longer upon request) 20 days£184.50
DNA Identity Profile – 15 STR markers 10 days£399.00
Dog Components 2 days£136.00
Down Syndrome Risk Bloods only (Risk to be calculated by clinician) 1 day£91.00
Down Syndrome Risk Profile (2nd trimester) Quad 5 days£223.00
Down Syndrome Risk Profile with risk calculation first trimester 5 days£223.00
Doxepin Level (Sinequan) 10 days£121.00
Drugs of Abuse from Blood without Chain of Custody 5 days£162.50
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Random Urine Sample/No Chain of Custody 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation)£82.50
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Random Urine Sample/No Chain of Custody Plus Alcohol 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation)£109.50
Drugs of Abuse Profile – With Chain of Custody* 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation)£130.50
Drugs of Abuse Profile – Without Chain of Custody 2 days (5 days with LC-MS/MS confirmation) £106.00
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – deletions/duplications only 10 days£719.50
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy – full sequencing DMD1 gene . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
DVT/Pre-travel Screen 5 days£286.50
Echinococcus (Hydatid) Antibodies 5 days£71.50
Egg Components 2 days£203.00
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome NGS Panel 6 weeks£1,600.00
Ehrlichiosis Antibodies 10 days£120.00
Elastase (RF) 5 days£112.00
Elastase (Self-collect) 5 days£112.00
Electrolytes 1 day£36.00
Electrolytes (Urine) 1 day£43.50
ELF/Enhanced Liver Fibrosis 5 days£204.00
Endometrial Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,100.00
Enteric Organism Rapid Detection (RF) 2 days£224.00
Enteric Organism Rapid Detection (Self-collect) 2 days£224.00
Eosin-5 Maleimide Dye binding test for Hereditary spherocytosis (EMA)* 2 days£165.50
Eosinophil Cationic Protein 7 days£131.50
Epanutin (Phenytoin) 1 day£65.50
Epidermolysis Bullosa NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Epilepsy, Adolescent/Adult Onset Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,100.00
Epilepsy, Comprehensive NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies IgG/IgM 2 days£159.00
Epstein-Barr Virus PCR 5 days£154.50
Erectile Dysfunction Profile 3 days£245.00
Erythropoietin 4 days£92.00
ESR 1 day£33.50
Essential Fatty Acid Profile (Red Cell) 10 days£194.00
Ethosuximide 7 days£77.00
Extractable Nuclear Antibodies (nRNP, Sm, Ro, La, Jo1, Scl70) CENP-B 2 days£76.00
Fabry Disease, X-linked – GLA gene sequencing 4 weeks£740.00
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystropy (FSHD) – D4Z4 repeat deletion . Requires patient informed consent9 weeks£1,250.00
Factor II Assay 5 days£82.50
Factor II Prothrombin – G20210A Variant 5 days£216.00
Factor IX Assay 5 days£128.50
Factor IX Inhibiting Antibody 2 weeks£128.50
Factor V Assay 5 days£82.50
Factor V Leiden – G1691A Variant 5 days£216.00
Factor VII Assay 5 days£128.50
Factor VIII Assay 5 days£128.50
Factor VIII Inhibiting Antibody 2 weeks£128.50
Factor X Assay 5 days£164.50
Factor XI Assay 5 days£128.50
Factor XII Assay 5 days£128.50
Factor XIII Assay 5 days£319.00
Faecal Fat (1 day collection) 5 days£161.00
Faecal Fat (3 day) 5 days£130.50
Faecal Lactoferrin 5 days£87.00
Faecal Sugar Chromatography 3 weeks£184.00
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia NGS panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£650.00
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcaemia (FHH) Panel . Requires patient informed consent6-7 weeks£1,200.00
Familial Mediterranean fever MEFV gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£750.00
Familial Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma – hotspot sequencing RET gene . Requires patient informed consent6-7 weeks£700.00
Farmers Lung Precipitins 5 days£114.00
Fasciola Hepatica Antibodies (Liver Fluke) 2 weeks£145.00
FAST Chlamydia – PCR Swab 1 day£108.50
FAST Chlamydia – Urine 1 day£108.50
FAST CT/GC – PCR Swab 1 day£108.50
FAST CT/GC – Rectal PCR Swab 1 day£108.50
FAST CT/GC – Throat PCR Swab 1 day£108.50
FAST CT/GC – Urine 1 day£108.50
FAST Gonorrhoea – PCR Swab 1 day£108.50
FAST Gonorrhoea – Urine 1 day£108.50
FAST Screen SHORT with Swab 1 day£151.00
FAST Screen SHORT with Urine 1 day£151.00
FAST Screen with Swab 1 day£277.50
FAST Screen with Urine 1 day£277.50
Fasting Insulin Resistance Index (FIRI) 1 day£86.00
Fatty Acid Oxidation Deficiency NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Female Hormone Profile (LH, FSH, PROL, TOES) (Self-collect) 1 day£150.00
Female Hormone Profile (Venous) 1 day£150.00
Ferritin (Self-collect) 1 day£83.50
Ferritin (Venous) 1 day£83.50
Fibrinogen 1 day£44.50
Fibrotest (Liver Fibrosis) 2 weeks£286.50
Filaria (Lymphatic and Non-Lymphatic) Antibodies 10 days£115.00
First Trimester Maternal Screen (PAPP-A/Free Beta-hCG) 1 day£91.00
Fish Components 2 days£103.50
FK506 (Tacrolimus/Prograf) 1-2 days£140.00
Flecainide (Tambocor) 5 days£128.50
FLT3-ITD and FLT3-TKD screening assay 24 hours£456.00
Fluid Culture 2-7 days£115.50
Fluid Cytology 3 days£162.50
Fluoride (Urine) 5 days£120.00
Fluoxetine (Prozac) 5 days£128.50
Folate (Red Cell) 2 days£52.50
Folate (Serum) 1 day£52.50
Fragile X Syndrome screen – FMR1 repeat analysis PCR . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£350.00
Free Fatty Acids 10 days£136.00
Free T3 (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
Free T3 (Venous) 1 day£55.00
Free T4 (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
Free T4 (Venous) 1 day£55.00
Friedreich Ataxia – frataxin gene repeat analysis . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£300.00
Fructosamine 1 day£48.00
FSH (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
FSH (Venous) 1 day£55.00
Full Blood Count 1 day£49.00
Full Blood Count* (Haemoglobin, White Cell Count, Red Cell Count, Platelets) (Self-collect) 1 day£49.00
Fungal investigations (non-superficial extended culture) 3-21 days£81.00
Fungal investigations (superficial/dermatophyte PCR test) 3-7 days£81.00
FXIII A Subunit 14 days£386.00
G6PD 4 days£101.00
Gabapentin 5 days£102.50
Galactomanan (Aspergillus Antigen) 2 weeks£165.50
Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase 2 weeks£258.00
Galactosidase – Alpha* 6 weeks£313.50
Gall Stone Analysis 10 days£191.00
Gamma GT 1 day£28.00
Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies 9 weeks£119.00
Ganglioside GM1, GD1B, GQ1B Abs 5 days£243.00
Gardnerella vaginalis by PCR 2 days£93.00
Gastric Parietal Autoantibodies 2 days£54.00
Gastrin 5 days£121.00
Gastrointestinal Pathogen Profile by PCR (Self-collect) 2 days£224.00
Gaucher Disease full gene sequencing 6 weeks£750.00
Genetic Reproductive Profile (Male) 10-15 days£936.50
Gentamicin Assay 1 day£115.00
Gilbert Syndrome – common UGT1A1 repeat variation . Requires patient informed consent2-3 weeks£300.00
Gliadin Antibodies (IgG) (deamidated) (Self-collect) 2 days£98.50
Gliadin Antibodies (IgG) (deamidated) (Venous) 2 days£98.50
Globulin (Calculated) 1 day£33.50
Glomerular Basement Membrane Abs 2 days£77.00
Glucagon 10 days£224.00
Glucose 1 day£29.00
Glucose Challenge Test/Mini-GTT 1 day£33.50
Glucose Tolerance Test (Extended Plus) 1 day£294.00
Glucose Tolerance Test (Extended) 1 day£262.50
Glucose Tolerance Test (Short) 1 day£102.50
Glucose Tolerance Test/OGTT 1 day£160.00
Glucose Tolerance with Growth Hormone 1 day£266.50
Glucose Tolerance with Insulin 1 day£398.00
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency – full G6PD gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent3-4 weeks£700.00
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies (GAD 65) 5 days£161.00
Gluten Sensitivity Evaluation 2 days£170.00
Gluten Sensitivity Profile 10 days£369.50
Gluten/Coeliac Genetic Profile 2 10 days£357.00
Glycan Determinants 2 days£70.50
Glycogen storage disease type 2 (Pompe) variant analysis 4 weeks£1,037.50
Gonorrhoea – PCR swab 2 days£80.00
Gonorrhoea – Thin Prep 2 days£93.00
Gonorrhoea – Urine 2 days£80.00
Gonorrhoea Culture – Cervix 3-5 days£81.00
Gonorrhoea Culture – Other site 3-5 days£81.00
Gonorrhoea Culture – Rectal 3-5 days£81.00
Gonorrhoea Culture – Throat 3-5 days£81.00
Gonorrhoea Culture – Urethral 3-5 days£81.00
Granulocyte Immunology 2 weeks£448.00
Group B Strep – Vaginal and Rectal (Self-collect) 3-5 days£55.00
Group B Strep – Vaginal and Rectal (STM) 3-5 days£55.00
Growth Hormone (Fasting) 1 day£62.50
Gut Hormone Profile 3 weeks£367.00
H. pylori Antibodies (IgG) 2 days£77.00
H. pylori Antigen – Stool (RF) 3 days£81.00
H. pylori Antigen – Stool (Self-collect) 3 days£81.00
H. pylori Culture 1 month£219.50
Haematology Profile 1 day£58.00
Haemochromatosis – HFE common variants C282Y + H63D 3 days£234.50
Haemoglobin 1 day£33.50
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis 4 days£106.00
Haemophilia A (Factor VIII deficiency) – CVS 3 days£652.50
Haemophilia B (Factor IX deficiency) – CVS 3 days£652.50
Haemophilus B Influenzae Antibodies 5 days£115.00
Haemophilus ducreyi by PCR 7 days£173.00
Haemosiderin (Urine) 2 weeks£112.00
Hantavirus Serology 10 days£138.00
Haptoglobin 5 days£76.00
Hazelnut Components 2 days£171.00
HbA1c (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
HbA1c (Venous) 1 day£55.00
HCG (Oncology) 1 day£60.00
HCG (Quantitative) (Self-collect) 1 day£61.00
HCG (Quantitative) (Venous) 1 day£61.00
HDL Cholesterol 1 day£44.50
HE4 + ROMA (Earlier Detection of Ovarian Tumour) 1 day£139.00
Hearing Loss NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Hepatitis (Acute) Screen 1 day£184.00
Hepatitis A (IgM) 1 day£51.50
Hepatitis A Immunity (IgG/IgM) 1 day£54.00
Hepatitis A Profile 1 day£86.00
Hepatitis A RNA by PCR 3 weeks£245.00
Hepatitis A, B & C Profile 1 day£301.50
Hepatitis B (PCR) Genotype 7 days£561.00
Hepatitis B ‘e’ Antigen and Antibody 1 day£124.00
Hepatitis B Core Antibody – IgM 1 day£57.50
Hepatitis B Core Antibody – Total 1 day£57.50
Hepatitis B DNA (Viral load) 5 days£286.50
Hepatitis B Immunity (IgG) (Self-collect) 1 day£54.00
Hepatitis B Immunity (IgG) (Venous) 1 day£54.00
Hepatitis B Profile 1 day£138.00
Hepatitis B Resistant Mutation 7 days£360.50
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Self-collect) 1 day£52.50
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Venous) 1 day£52.50
Hepatitis C Abs Confirmation (RIBA) 5 days£188.50
Hepatitis C Antibodies (Self-collect) 1 day£106.00
Hepatitis C Antibodies (Venous) 1 day£106.00
Hepatitis C Antigen (Early detection) (Self-collect) 1 day£65.50
Hepatitis C Antigen (Early detection) (Venous) 1 day£65.50
Hepatitis C Genotype 5 days£573.00
Hepatitis C Quantification (Viral Load) 5 days£249.50
Hepatitis Delta Antibody 5 days£121.00
Hepatitis Delta Antigen 5 days£156.00
Hepatitis Delta RNA 5 days£286.50
Hepatitis E IgG/IgM 5 days£143.50
Hepatitis E RNA (PCR) 2 weeks£229.50
Hepatitis G (PCR) 2 weeks£213.50
Hereditary Colorectal Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£850.00
Hereditary Comprehensive Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,250.00
Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsy – PMP22 deletion analysis . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£425.00
Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Comprehensive NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,600.00
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 – Genital lesion (Self-collect) 5 days£93.00
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 – Oral lesion (Self-collect) 5 days£93.00
Herpes Simplex (HSV) 1 & 2 (PCR) (Oral or Genital) 5 days£93.00
Herpes Simplex I/II Antibody Profile (IgG) 2 days£80.00
Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR (Thin Prep) 5 days£93.00
Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR (Urine) 5 days£93.00
Herpes Simplex I/II IgM 2 days£80.00
HFE gene (Haemochromatosis) – common variants C282Y + H63D 3 days£234.50
Hirschprung Disease NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Hirsutism Profile 1 day£185.00
Histamine (Blood) 5 days£138.00
Histamine (Urine) 5 days£138.00
Histamine Releasing Urticaria Test 3 weeks£171.00
Histone Antibodies 5 days£112.00
Histoplasma Antigen 3 days£176.00
Histoplasmosis 10 days£151.00
HIV 1 & 2 Abs/p24Ag (Self-collect) 1 day£57.50
HIV 1 & 2/p24Ag (Venous) 1 day£57.50
HIV Confirmation of Positive Screens (3 methodologies) 1 day£139.00
HIV Rapid RNA HIV-1 QUALITATIVE 1 day£184.00
HIV Rapid RNA HIV-1 QUANTITATIVE 1 day£184.00
HIV Screening: HIV1 & 2 Abs/p24 Ag (4th Gen) 1 day£57.50
HIV Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 21 days£277.50
HIV/HBV/HCV (Early detection by PCR/NAAT) with Syphilis 3 days£224.00
HIV/HBV/HCV Screen by PCR/NAAT (10 days post exposure) 3 days£200.50
HIV-1 Genotypic Resistance (Integrase) 21 days£678.00
HIV-1 Genotypic Resistance (RT & Protease) 21 days£678.00
HIV-1 Proviral DNA 7 days£431.50
HIV-1 RNA Viral Load by PCR 3 days£184.00
HIV-1 Tropism 28 days£1,038.50
HIV-2 RNA by PCR 10 days£355.00
HLA A, B, C 2 weeks£293.50
HLA B*57:01 10 days£349.00
HLA B27 3 days£223.00
HLA DQ Alpha Antigens 2 weeks£192.00
HLA DQ Beta Antigens 2 weeks£192.00
HLA DR Antigens 2 weeks£236.00
HLA Tissue Typing A 10 days£240.50
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/C/DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 (Class I & II) 10 days£810.50
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/DRB1/3/4/5 10 days£620.50
HLA Tissue Typing A/B/DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 10 days£684.00
HLA Tissue Typing A+B 10 days£380.00
HLA Tissue Typing A+B+C (Class I) 10 days£620.50
HLA Tissue Typing B 10 days£240.50
HLA Tissue Typing B*27 only 3 days£223.00
HLA Tissue Typing B*51 (Behcet’s Disease) 10 days£240.50
HLA Tissue Typing B*57:01 high resolution 10 days£349.00
HLA Tissue Typing C 10 days£240.50
HLA Tissue Typing Coeliac Disease – DQ2/DQ8 10 days£209.50
HLA Tissue Typing DRB1/3/4/5 10 days£240.50
HLA Tissue Typing DRB1/3/4/5/DQB1 (Class II) 10 days£380.00
HLA Tissue Typing Narcolepsy – DQB1*06:02 . Requires patient informed consent3 weeks£349.00
HLA-C 2 weeks£191.50
Homocysteine (Quantitative) 1 day£97.00
Homocysteine (Urine) 2 weeks£136.00
Homovanillic Acid (HVA) 5 days£106.00
Horse Components 2 days£40.50
House Dust Mite Components 2 days£136.00
HPV (19 high risk DNA subtypes, reported as types 16, 18 or Others) (Self-collect) 3 days£73.50
HPV (28 individually typed low risk (LR) & high risk (HR) DNA subtypes and reflexed mRNA for types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 45) 5 days£146.00
HPV (28 individually typed LR & HR DNA subtypes) 3 days£115.00
HPV (A group of 14 HR mRNA types) 3 days£73.50
HPV (Individually typed high risk DNA subtypes) (Self-collect) 3 days£115.00
HRT Profile 1 1 day£113.00
HRT Profile 2 1 day£172.00
HTLV 1 & 2 Abs. (Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type I-II) 1 day£66.50
HTLV by PCR 21 days£355.00
Hughes Syndrome 2 days£116.50
Human Herpes Virus – 6 by PCR 5 days£181.50
Human Herpes Virus – 8 (IgG) 10 days£103.50
Human Herpes Virus – 8 by PCR 5 days£205.00
Human Parvovirus B19 – DNA 2 weeks£213.50
Huntington Disease – HD gene repeat analysis PCR . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£350.00
HVS 2-4 days£81.00
Hyaluronic Acid 1 week£73.50
Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase 1 week£90.00
Hydroxyprolene 2 weeks£99.50
Hyperinsulinism NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Hyperparathyroidism – CASR sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Identity Profile (DNA) – 15 STR markers 10 days£399.00
IDH1/2 Screening Assay . Requires patient informed consent48 hours£723.00
IgE (Total) 1 day£60.00
IGF-1 (Somatomedin) 1 day£98.50
IGF-BP3 5 days£120.00
IgG Subclasses 5 days£243.00
IgVH variant analysis for CLL 4 weeks£444.00
Imipramine 4 days£102.50
Immune Function Evaluation (Total) 7 days£369.50
Immune-Complexes 5 days£106.00
Immunofluorescence in Skin Biopsies 2 weeks£533.50
Immunoglobulin A 1 day£43.50
Immunoglobulin D 5 days£75.00
Immunoglobulin E – Total 1 day£60.00
Immunoglobulin G 1 day£43.50
Immunoglobulin M 1 day£43.50
Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) 1 day£87.00
Impotence Profile 3 days£245.00
Individual Semen Parameters*** 1 day£80.00
Inherited bleeding and platelet disorders (R90) 12 weeks£1,138.50
Inhibin A 1 month£169.00
Inhibin B 5 days£150.00
INR 1 day£30.50
Insect/Worm/Ova/Cysts 5 days£105.00
Insulin 1 day£60.00
Insulin Antibodies 5 days£101.00
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 1 month£321.50
Intellectual Disability NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Interleukin 1 Beta 1-2 weeks£227.50
Interleukin 10 1-2 weeks£377.00
Interleukin 2 1-2 weeks£227.50
Interleukin 28b Genotype 2 weeks£437.00
Interleukin 4 1-2 weeks£227.50
Interleukin 6 1-2 weeks£227.50
Interleukin 8 1-2 weeks£357.00
Intrinsic Factor Antibodies 2 days£108.50
Iodide – Urine 1 week£139.00
Iodine – Serum 1 week£116.50
Ionised Calcium 5 days£54.00
Iron (TIBC included) (Venous) 1 day£33.50
Iron Overload Profile 3 days£301.50
Iron Status Profile (Venous) 1 day£97.00
ISAC Panel (Self-collect) 3 days£331.00
ISAC Panel (Venous) 3 days£331.00
Islet Cell Antibodies 3 days£71.50
IUCD for Culture 11-12 days£81.00
JC Polyoma Virus by PCR 5 days£236.00
Joubert/Meckel-Gruber Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Kallmann Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Kennedy Disease (Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy) – AR repeat expansion . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£300.00
Ketamine Screen 7-10 days£154.00
Kidney/Urinary Tract Comprehensive Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,100.00
KIR (Killer-like Immunoglobulin-like Receptors) Genotyping 2-3 weeks£388.00
Kiwi Components 2 days£66.50
Lactate (Plasma) 1 day£82.50
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) 1 day£36.00
Lactate Pyruvate Ratio 4-6 weeks£145.00
Lactose Intolerance Gene 2 weeks£165.00
Lactose Tolerance Test 1 day£152.50
Lamotrigine 5 days£121.00
Langer-Giedion Syndrome – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) 5-15 days£728.00
Langer-Giedion Syndrome – BOBs only 5 days£260.00
Latex Components 2 days£301.50
LDL7 Subfractions 10 days£259.00
Lead (Blood) 5 days£62.50
Lead (Urine) 5 days£62.50
Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy – m.3460G>A + m.11778G>A + m.14484T>C common variants . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£420.00
Legionella Antibodies 3 days£83.50
Legionella Urine Antigen 1 day£104.00
Leishmania Antibodies 5 days£66.50
Leptin 5 days£163.50
Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Abs (IgM) 5 days£124.00
Leucocyte Antibody Detection Panel FEMALE 1 week£236.00
Leucocyte Antibody Detection Panel MALE 1 week£0.00 (No charge)
Leukaemia (Rapid Acute) DNA and RNA NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent3 days£717.00
Leukaemia Fusion Gene Screening Assay (Q30) 24 hours£602.50
Leukaemia Immunophenotyping 5 days£579.50
Leukaemia/Lymphoma RNA Sequencing (Fusion Gene and SNV/Indel) Panel . Requires patient informed consent2 weeks£937.50
Leukotriene E4 3 weeks£448.00
Levetiracetam (Keppra) 3 days£128.50
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (p53-related cancer predisposition) – TP53 sequencing + MLPA . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£735.00
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Lipase (Self-collect) 1 day£57.50
Lipase (Venous) 1 day£57.50
Lipid Profile (Self-collect) 1 day£55.50
Lipid Profile (Venous) 1 day£55.50
Lipid Transfer Proteins 2 days£239.00
Lipocalins 2 days£103.50
Lipoprotein (a) (Self-collect) 1 day£61.00
Lipoprotein (a) (Venous) 1 day£61.00
Lipoprotein Electrophoresis 5 days£86.00
Lissencephaly NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Lithium 1 day£51.50
Liver Fibrosis (Enhanced Liver Fibrosis ELF) 5 days£204.00
Liver Fibrosis Fibrotest 2 weeks£286.50
Liver Function Tests (Excluding AST) (Self-collect) 1 day£55.50
Liver Function Tests (Venous) 1 day£55.50
Liver Immunoblot 3 days£185.00
Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibodies 2 days£54.00
Long QT Syndrome/Brugada Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4-6 weeks£1,100.00
Lorazepam 10 days£71.50
Lp-PLA2 (PLAC) Test 2 days£124.00
LSD 5 days£120.00
Lung Disorders NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Lupus Anticoagulant and Anticardiolipin Abs 2 days£116.50
Lupus Anticoagulant only 2 days£76.00
Luteinising Hormone (LH) (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
Luteinising Hormone (LH) (Venous) 1 day£55.00
Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgG, IgM 2 days£94.50
Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgM 2 days£73.50
Lymphocyte Subsets (CD3/CD4/CD8) 1 day£257.00
Lymphogranuloma Venerium (LGV) – Rectal (Self-collect)* 1-2 weeks£119.00
Lymphogranuloma Venerium (LGV) (PCR) 1-2 weeks£119.00
Lynch Syndrome (HNPCC) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£850.00
Lysosomal Enzyme Screen 2 months£779.50
Lysosomal Storage Disorders NGS Panel – full gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent4-6 weeks£937.50
Lysozyme 5 days£90.00
Macrolide Resistance Test (Mgen) 1-2 weeks£200.50
Macroprolactin 4 days£260.00
Magnesium (Serum) 1 day£43.50
Magnesium (Urine) 1 day£48.00
Magnesium (Whole blood) 4 days£97.00
Malarial Antibodies (Pl. falciparum) 5 days£77.00
Malarial Antibodies (species specific) 10 days£99.50
Malarial Parasites STAT£62.50
Malarial Parasites (visa, non-urgent) 2 days£62.50
Male Genetic Reproductive Profile 10-15 days£936.50
Male Hormone Profile 1 day£184.00
Manganese (Serum) 5 days£80.00
Marfan Syndrome – FBN1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Marfan Syndrome and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) Diabetes NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent12 weeks£1,260.00
MBOCA in Urine 10 days£120.00
Mean Cell Volume (MCV) 1 day£36.00
Measles Antibodies (IgG) Immunity 1 day£76.00
Measles Antibodies (IgM) 2 days£76.00
Measles PCR 48 hours£147.00
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) 1 day£162.50
Meckel-Gruber/Joubert Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency – ACADM sequencing . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£750.00
Melanoma Comprehensive Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,100.00
Melatonin (Serum) 5 days£102.50
Melatonin (Urine) 2 weeks£145.00
Meningococcal Serology (only serogroup C) 6 weeks£102.50
Menopausal Profile (FSH, LH, TOES, TSH, FT4) (Self-collect) 1 day£150.00
Menopause Profile (Venous) 1 day£150.00
Mercury (Blood) 5 days£62.50
Mercury (Urine) 5 days£83.50
MERS Coronavirus Test 1 day£185.00
Metabolic Syndrome Profile 9 days£299.50
Metanephrines (Plasma) 7 days£180.50
Metanephrines (Urine) 5 days£150.00
Methaqualone 5 days£42.00
Methotrexate 2 days£146.00
Methylmalonic Acid – Serum 5 days£233.50
Methylmalonic Acid – Urine 2 weeks£146.00
Metronidazole Level 10 days£102.50
Microdeletion (common) Syndromes – BOBs only 5 days£260.00
Microfilaria Blood Film STAT£38.00
Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia/Coloboma NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Miller-Dieker Syndrome – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) 5-15 days£728.00
Miller-Dieker Syndrome – BOBs only 5 days£260.00
Mineral Screen 5 days£198.50
Mineral Screen (Whole blood) 5 days£216.00
Mineral Screen and Industrial Heavy Metal Screen (Trace Metals) 7-10 days£313.50
Miscarriage/Thrombotic Risk Profile 5 days£760.00
Mitochondrial Antibodies 3 days£54.00
Mitochondrial Antibodies M2 2 days£237.00
Mitochondrial Genome Sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,210.00
Molybdenum (Serum) 5 days£78.50
Motor Neurone Disease (Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,600.00
MPOX (Virus) – Lesion (Self-collect) 2 days£132.50
MRSA (Rapid PCR) one swab per site 1 day£77.50
MRSA (Rapid PCR) one swab per site x 2 1 day£154.50
MRSA Culture (Self-collect) – Nose/Groin 2 days£110.50
MRSA Culture one swab per site 2 days£55.50
MRSA Culture one swab per site x 2 2 days£110.50
MRSA PCR (Self-collect) – Nose/Groin 1 day£154.50
MTHFR – common C677T + A1298C variants 5 days£240.50
Mucopolysaccharides 3 weeks£140.00
Mucopolysaccharidosis NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 – full MEN1 sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6-7 weeks£800.00
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 – RET gene hotspot sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6-7 weeks£700.00
Mumps Antibodies (IgG) 1 day£76.00
Mumps Antibodies (IgM) 1 day£76.00
Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation 5 days£173.00
Mycophenolic Acid (Cellcept) 5 days£146.00
Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR 2 days£93.00
Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR – Urine and Vaginal (Self-collect) 2 days£93.00
Mycoplasma genitalium Resistance – Urine or Vaginal (Self-collect) 1-2 weeks£200.50
Mycoplasma genitalium/Ureaplasma by PCR 2 days£120.00
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM and IgG 2 days£67.50
Mycoplasma species – DNA 5 days£226.50
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies 5 days£324.50
Myelin Basic Protein Antibodies 2 weeks£106.00
Myeloid Gene Panel . Requires patient informed consent2 weeks£661.50
Myeloma Screen 5 days£160.00
Myeloperoxidase Antibodies 2 days£61.00
Myeloproliferative Neoplasm NGS Screening Panel . Requires patient informed consent1 week£551.50
Myocardial Antibodies 1 week£82.50
Myoglobin (Serum) 1 day£76.00
Myoglobin (Urine) 5-10 days£107.00
Myositis Panel 3 days£120.00
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 – DMPK repeat PCR . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£350.00
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 (PROMM) – ZNF9 repeat PCR . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£350.00
Mysoline (Primidone) 3 days£77.00
N. gonorrhoea 2 days£93.00
Narcolepsy (HLA DQB1*06:02) . Requires patient informed consent3 weeks£349.00
Natural Killer Profile 2 2 days£282.50
Needle Stick Injury Profile 1 day£192.00
Nephrotic Syndrome, Steroid-Resistant NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Nervous System/Brain Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,100.00
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 – NF1 + SPRED1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent8 weeks£1,230.00
Neurological Viral Screen 2 days£190.00
Neuronal Antibody (Hu, Ri, Yo, Cv2, Ma2) 10 days£311.00
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten Disease) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Neurone Specific Enolase 5 days£184.00
Newborn Screening Panel 2 weeks£190.00
Nickel (Serum) 5 days£78.50
Nickel (Urine) 4 weeks£83.50
NK (CD69) and NK Cytotoxicity Send Mon-Thurs only£783.00
NK (CD69) Cell Assay Send Mon-Thurs only£282.50
NK Assay Follow-Up Panel 1 week£420.00
NK Assay Panel + Intralipids 1 week£616.50
NK Assay/Cytotoxicity Panel 1 week£495.00
NK Cytotoxicity Assay Send Mon-Thurs only£661.00
NK Cytotoxicity with suppression with steroid, IVIg and intralipin, and NK (CD69) cell assay Send Mon-Thurs only£920.50
NK Cytotoxicity with suppression, steroid, IVIg & Intralipin Send Mon-Thurs only£843.50
NMDA Receptor Antibodies 3 weeks£228.50
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) – common aneuploidy screening from maternal blood 2-4 days£295.00
Noonan Syndrome and RASopathies NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Nucleic Acid Antigen Antibodies 2 days£80.00
Nystagmus, X-linked Infantile – FRMD7 gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Oestradiol-17-Beta (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
Oestradiol-17-Beta (Venous) 1 day£55.00
Oestriol (Estriol) 4 days£107.00
Oestrone 4 days£107.00
Olanzapine 5 days£128.50
Oligoclonal Bands 5 days£260.00
Oligosaccharides 6 weeks£239.00
Olive Components 2 days£70.50
Omega 3/Omega 6 (Self-collect) 5 days£130.50
Omega 3/Omega 6 (Venous) 5 days£130.50
Opiate Screen (Urine) 2 days£60.00
Orosomucoid (A1AG – Alpha 1 Glycoprotein) 5 days£170.00
Osmolality (Serum) 1 day£54.00
Osmolality (Urine) 1 day£51.50
Osteocalcin 4 days£216.00
Osteogenesis Imperfecta NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Osteoporosis Screen 4 days£178.00
Ovarian Autoantibodies 3 days£77.00
Ovarian Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£850.00
Oxalate (Plasma) 7 days£106.00
Oxalate (Urine) 5 days£90.00
Oxidative Stress in Semen (ROS + MIOXSYS) 1 day£255.00
P2Y12 Receptor Platelet Function Analysis (Clopidogrel Resistance) 1 day£110.50
p53-related cancer predisposition (Li-Fraumeni Syndrome) – TP53 sequencing + MLPA . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£735.00
PAI-1 4G/5G Polymorphism 10 days£207.50
Pancreatic Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,100.00
Pancreatic Peptide 4 weeks£232.00
Paracetamol 1 day£121.00
Paraganglioma/Pheochromocytoma NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,100.00
Paragomius Serology 2 weeks£142.50
Parathyroid Antibodies 3 weeks£98.50
Parathyroid Hormone (Whole) 1 day£125.50
Parathyroid Related Peptide 2 weeks£164.50
Parkinson-Alzheimer-Dementia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Parvalbumins 2 days£103.50
Parvovirus Antibodies (IgG) 2 days£85.00
Parvovirus Antibodies (IgM) 2 days£94.50
Parvovirus IgG/IgM Abs 2 days£97.00
Paternity Testing (postnatal and prenatal) – sample required from each person being tested (3 people) 5 days£787.50 (by exception includes VAT)
Paul Bunnell (Monospot) 1 day£37.00
Peach Components 2 days£136.00
Peanut Components 2 days£203.00
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease – PLP1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Pemphigus/Pemphigoid Autoantibodies 2 days£65.50
Pendred Syndrome – SLC26A4 gene sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Periodic Fever/Autoinflammation NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Antibodies 5 days£128.50
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) by PCR 2-3 days£174.00
PEth (Phosphatidylethanol) (Self-collect) 5-7 days£113.00
PEth (Phosphatidylethanol) (Venous) 5-7 days£113.00
Peutz-Jegher Syndrome – STK11 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£750.00
Phelan-McDermid Syndrome – karyotype + FISH 12-17 days£847.50
Phencyclidine (PCP) 5 days£82.50
Phenobarbitone 1 day£65.50
Phenytoin (Epanutin) 1 day£65.50
Pheochromocytoma/Paraganglioma NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,100.00
Phosphate 1 day£28.00
Phosphate (24 hour Urine) 1 day£43.50
Pituitary Antibodies 1 month£103.50
Pituitary Function Profile 1 day£204.00
PLAC Test (Lp-PLA2) (Self-collect) 2 days£124.00
PLAC Test (Lp-PLA2) (Venous) 2 days£124.00
Plasminogen 5 days£90.00
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor – 1 2 weeks£274.00
Platelet Aggregation Studies 3 days£335.00
Platelet Function Test Screen – PFA-100/200 1 day£165.50
Pleural Fluid for Culture 7 days£115.50
Pneumococcal Antibodies – Serotype Specific 5 weeks£272.00
Pneumococcal Antibody Screen 5 days£113.00
Pneumococcal Antigen 1 day£105.00
Pneumocystis jiroveci (PJP) PCR 2-3 days£105.00
Pneumonia (Atypical) Screen 3 days£140.00
Polcalcins 2 days£103.50
POLG-Related Disorders – full POLG sequencing + deletions and duplications . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Polycystic Kidney NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Profile 5 days£578.50
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome SHORT 1 day£184.00
Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Porphyrin (Blood) 15 days£229.50
Porphyrin (Stool) 3 weeks£131.50
Porphyrin (Urine) 3 weeks£169.00
Porphyrin Full Screen (Total: Urine, Stool, Blood) 3 weeks£521.50
Postnatal SNP Array CGH 10 days£822.50
Post-Travel Screen 1 (Up to 6 weeks post travel) 10 days£269.00
Post-Travel Screen 2 (6 weeks after travel) 10 days£506.00
Potassium 1 day£28.00
PR-10 Proteins 2 days£274.00
Prader-Willi Syndrome (Primary Screen) – methylation test 10 days£496.50
Prealbumin 3 days£90.00
Pregnancy (Serum) [Quantitative] 1 day£61.00
Pregnancy Test (Urine) 1 day£40.50
Pregnenolone 15 days£124.00
Prenatal Diagnosis (BOBs + Culture) 3-5 days, 15 days£658.00
Prenatal SNP Array CGH 10 days£822.50
Pre-Travel Screen (DVT) 5 days£286.50
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Primary Hyperoxaluria NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent7 weeks£1,600.00
Primidone (Mysoline) 3 days£77.00
Procalcitonin 1 day£114.00
Procollagen 1 Peptide N-Terminal (NTX) 5 days£300.50
Procollagen 3 Peptide 5 days£167.50
Products of Conception – rapid BOBs aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes (10 days) + culture (25 days) 10-25 days£658.00
Products of Conception (BOBs + Culture) 10-25 days£658.00
Products of Conception BOBs only – rapid aneuploidy diagnosis for all chromosomes 10 days£420.00
Profilins 2 days£270.50
Progesterone (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
Progesterone (Venous) 1 day£55.00
Proinsulin 5 days£249.50
Prolactin (Macro) 4 days£260.00
Prolactin (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
Prolactin (Venous) 1 day£55.00
Propanalol 7 days£115.00
Propoxyphene 5 days£115.00
Prostate Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£850.00
Prostate Profile (Total & Free PSA) 1 day£97.00
Prostate Specific Antigen (Total) (Self-collect) 1 day£71.50
Prostate Specific Antigen (Total) (Venous)* 1 day£71.50
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase 3 days£62.50
Protein (Urine) 1 day£42.00
Protein 14.3.3 (Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease) 5 weeks£548.00
Protein C Activity 3 days£70.50
Protein Electrophoresis incl. immunoglobulin 5 days£113.00
Protein S Activity 5 days£68.50
Protein S Free Ag 3 days£70.50
Protein Total (Blood) 1 day£28.00
Protein/Creatinine Ratio (Urine) 1 day£77.00
Proteinase 3 Ab 2 days£60.00
Prothrombin Time 1 day£30.50
Purkinje Cell Antibody (Hu and Yo) 10 days£66.50
Pyruvate Kinase (M2-PK) 5 days£99.50
Pyruvate Kinase (M2-PK) 5 days£99.50
Q Fever (C Burnetti) Antibodies 10 days£72.50
QFIT/Calprotectin Profile (Combined) (QFIT) 5 days£154.50
QFIT/Calprotectin Profile (Combined) (Self-collect) 5 days£154.50
QF-PCR rapid common aneuploidy screen 2 days£291.50
Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test (QFIT) 1 day£60.00
Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test (QFIT) (Self-collect) 1 day£60.00
Rabies Antibody 20 days£161.00
Rapid Strep PCR (incl. m/c/s) 1-3 days**£83.50
Rapid Xpert HIV-1 RNA Qualitative – Early Detection from 10 days 1 day£184.00
Rapid Xpert HIV-1 RNS Viral Load – Rapid Testing for HIV-Positive Patient Prognosis and Response To Antiretroviral Therapy 1 day£184.00
Recurrent Miscarriage Profile (female) 10-15 days£1,110.50
Renal Calculi Screen (Metabolic) 5 days£185.00
Renal Cysts and Diabetes (RCAD) – HNF-1β sequencing exons 1-9 and dosage analysis by MLPA . Requires patient informed consent8 weeks£735.00
Renal Stone Analysis 10 days£191.00
Renal/Urinary Tract Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,600.00
Renin 5 days£134.00
Reproductive Immunophenotype Panel 1 week£420.00
Respiratory PCR Panel (COVID-19, Flu A/B and RSV) (PCR) 2 days£234.50
Respiratory PCR Panel (COVID-19, Flu A/B and RSV) (Self-collect) 2 days£234.50
Reticulocyte Count 1 day£33.50
Retinoblastoma – RB1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Retinol Binding Protein 3 days£66.50
Retrograde Ejaculation 2 days£98.50
Rett Syndrome (MECP2 gene only) – full sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Rett/Angelman Syndromes NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£1,600.00
Reverse T3 15 days£136.00
Rheumatoid Factor (Latex Test) 3 days£36.00
Rheumatology Profile 1 (Screen) 2 days£143.50
Rheumatology Profile 2 (Connective tissue) 3 days£424.00
Rheumatology Profile 3 (Rheumatoid/Basic) 2 days£207.50
Rheumatology Profile 4 (Systemic Lupus) 2 days£319.00
Rheumatology Profile 5 (Mono Arthritis) 3 days£304.50
Rheumatology Profile 6 (Rheumatoid Plus) 3 days£106.00
Rheumatology Profile 7 (Sjogren’s Syndrome) 15 days£106.00
Rickettsial Species Antibody Profile 7 days£116.50
Risperidone 7 days£197.50
RNA Polymerase Antibodies 3 days£71.00
Rotavirus in Stool by PCR 1 day£104.00
RPR (Syphilis) 2 days£40.50
Rubella Antibody (IgG) 1 day£56.50
Rubella Antibody (IgM) 1 day£80.00
Rubella Avidity 1 week£151.00
Rubella PCR 5 days£180.50
S100 Malignant Melanoma 4 days£138.00
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies 2 weeks£139.00
Salicylates 1 day£58.50
Salivary Duct Antibodies 15 days£62.50
Schistosoma (Urine) 1-2 days£73.50
Schistosome (Bilharzia) Antibodies 10 days£116.50
Scleroderma Immunoblot 3 days£185.00
Screening Profile 1 – Biochemistry 1 day£133.50
Screening Profile 10 – Cardiovascular Risk 1 3 days£362.50
Screening Profile 11 – Cardiovascular Risk 2 3 days£437.00
Screening Profile 12 – Sexual Health Screen 2 days£296.50
Screening Profile 2 – Haematology/Biochemistry 1 day£184.00
Screening Profile 3 – Haematology 1 day£58.00
Screening Profile 4 – Haematology/Biochemistry (Short) 1 day£176.50
Screening Profile 5 – Haematology/Biochemistry (Postal) 1 day£176.50
Screening Profile 6 – Well Person 1 day£241.50
Screening Profile 7 – Well Man 1 day£298.50
Screening Profile 8 – Well Person 2 days£298.50
Screening Profile 9F – Senior Female 2 days£533.50
Screening Profile 9M – Senior Male 2 days£558.00
Seed Storage Proteins 2 days£268.00
Selenium (Serum) (Self-collect) 4 days£77.00
Selenium (Serum) (Venous) 4 days£77.00
Sellotape Test 1 day£84.00
Semen Analysis, Comprehensive* 2 days*£220.50
Semen Analysis, Post-Vasectomy** 2 days£120.00
Semen Analysis, Vasectomy Reversal* 2 days*£220.50
Semen Culture 2-4 days£81.00
Semen Fructose (Qualitative assessment) 2 days£94.50
Semen Leucocytes 2 days£120.00
Semen Zinc up to 10 days£40.50
Serotonin 10 days£135.00
Serotonin (Urine) 5 days£161.00
Serum Albumins 2 days£200.50
Serum Free Light Chains 5 days£327.00
Sesame Components 2 days£40.50
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Self-collect) 1 day£65.50
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Venous) 1 day£65.50
Short Stature – SHOX variant screening + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent8 weeks£750.00
Short-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency – ACADS sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Shrimp Components 2 days£70.50
Silver (Blood) 5 days£108.50
Silver (Urine) 5 days£108.50
Silver-Russell Syndrome – methylation studies on 11p15 imprinting domains KvDMR + H19 . Requires patient informed consent7 weeks£600.00
Sinequan (Doxepin) 10 days£121.00
Sirolimus 3 days£134.00
Sjogren’s Syndrome 15 days£106.00
Skeletal Dysplasia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,900.00
Skin (Pemphigus/Pemphigoid) Autoantibodies 2 days£65.50
Skin Antibodies by Immunofluorescence 1 month£246.00
Skin Scrapings/Mycology by PCR 3-7 days£81.00
Sleeping Sickness Serology (African Trypanosomiasis) 10 days£208.50
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome – DHCR7 sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Smith-Magenis Syndrome – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) 5-15 days£728.00
Smith-Magenis Syndrome – BoBs only 5 days£260.00
Smooth Muscle Antibodies 2 days£54.00
Sodium 1 day£28.00
Somatomedin (IGF-1) 1 day£98.50
Sotos Syndrome (Cerebral Gigantism) – NSD1 sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Soybean Components 2 days£136.00
Spastic Paraplegia NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Sperm Aneuploidy 4 weeks£913.00
Sperm Antibodies (Serum) 5 days£139.00
Sperm Antibodies/MAR Test (Semen)† 1 day£121.00
Sperm Comet® 1-2 weeks£360.00
Sperm Comet® Exact Focus 1-2 weeks£490.00
Sperm Comet® Extend 1-2 weeks£490.00
Sperm Comet® Extend Focus 1-2 weeks£665.00
Sperm Count (Post-Vasectomy) 2 days£120.00
Sperm DNA Fragmentation (SCSA type test) 1-2 weeks£260.00
Sperm Morphology (Kruger strict criteria) 2 days£98.50
Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (Kennedy Disease) – AR repeat analysis . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£300.00
Spinal Muscular Atrophy – SMN1 deletions/duplications 10 days£493.50
Spinocerebellar Ataxia – multiplex SCA1+2+3+6+7+8+10+12 +17 common repeat expansions . Requires patient informed consent5 weeks£550.00
Spinocerebellar Ataxia NGS Panel 6 weeks£1,600.00
Sports/Performance Profile 5 days£552.50
Sputum for Routine Culture 2-4 days£89.50
Sputum for TB Culture (AFB) up to 8 weeks£89.50
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 4 days£211.50
SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) 2 days£203.50
STD1 M/F STD Quad (Urine and Serology) 2 days£139.00
STD2 M/F STI Profile Plus (Urine and Serology) 4 days£397.00
STD3 Female STD Quad (PCR Swab and Serology) 2 days£139.00
STD4 Female STI Profile Plus (PCR Swab and Serology) 4 days£397.00
STD5 Serology only 1 day£152.00
STD6 Serology only without HIV 1 day£142.50
STD8 Vaginitis/BV Profile using Culture & PCR Swab 3 days£150.00
STD9 Symptomatic lesion sample using PCR Swab from lesion 7 days£130.50
Steroid Cell Antibody 2 days£97.00
STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 sample) (Self-collect) 2 days£140.00
STI Profile: MSM1 (Blood + Urine/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (Self-collect) 2 days£216.00
STI Profile: MSM1 (Venous) 2 days£216.00
STI Profile: MSM2 (Blood + Urine/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (Self-collect) 3 days£445.00
STI Profile: MSM2 (Venous) 3 days£445.00
Stockholm3 2 weeks£310.00
Stockholm3 Reflex 2 weeks£310.00
Stool for OCP and Culture by PCR 2-3 days£81.00
Stool for OVA Cysts & Parasites by Microscopy 2 days£42.00
Stool Reducing Substances 2-3 weeks£55.00
Streptomycin Levels 5 days£172.00
Striated/Skeletal Muscle Antibody 3 days£54.00
Strongyloides Antibodies 10 days£119.00
Sulpiride 4 days£121.00
Superoxide Dismutase 5 days£107.00
Suppression with steroid, IVIg and intralipin, NK (CD69) cell assay, TH1/TH2 cytokines Send Mon-Thurs only£1,058.00
Swab (Cervical) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Ear) 2-4 days (Culture) 8-9 days (Fungal) – same swab£81.00
Swab (Eye) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Nasal) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Oral) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Penile) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Rectal) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Skin) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Throat) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Vaginal) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Vulval) 2-4 days£81.00
Swab (Wound) 2-4 days£81.00
Synacthen Stimulation Test 1 day£266.50
Synovial Fluid (for microscopy, crystals and culture) 14 days£136.50
Syphilis by PCR (chancre) 5 days£151.00
Syphilis IgG/IgM (Self-collect) 1 day£65.50
Syphilis IgG/IgM (Venous) 1 day£65.50
Systemic Mastocystosis – C-Kit common variants (KIT D816V) . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£200.00
T cell Clonality Assay (TCR beta and TCR gamma) 2 weeks£444.00
T Regulatory Cells 3 days£601.50
T3 1 day£55.00
T3 (Reverse) 15 days£136.00
Tacrolimus/Prograf (FK506) 1-2 days£140.00
Taipan Snake Venom Time 2-3 weeks£251.50
Tay Sachs Screen . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£600.00
TB (Pleural Fluid) up to 8 weeks£89.50
TB Culture up to 8 weeks£89.50
TB Culture (Urine) up to 8 weeks£189.00
TB PCR (PCR detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and mutations for Rifampicin resistance) 1 day£199.00
TB Quantiferon®-TB Gold* 3 days£119.00
TB Slopes – Confirmation and Sensitivity up to 8 weeks£210.00
Tegretol (Carbamazepine) 1 day£65.50
Teicoplanin Assay 5 days£121.00
Temazepam 4 days£134.00
Testicular Tumour Profile (LDH, AFP, HCQG) 1 day£134.00
Testosterone (Free) (Self-collect) 3 days£113.00
Testosterone (Free) (Venous) 3 days£113.00
Testosterone (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
Testosterone (Total), LC MS Mass Spec 5-7 days£113.00
Testosterone (Venous) 1 day£55.00
Tetanus Antibody 5 days£112.00
TH1/TH2 Cytokine Profile Send Mon-Thurs only£374.50
TH1/TH2 Cytokine Ratio 1 week£388.00
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with IVIG 1 week£650.50
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with IVIG, Prednisolone 1 week£813.00
TH1/TH2 Intracellular Cytokine Ratios with Prednisolone 1 week£650.50
Thalassaemia Screen 4 days£106.00
Thallium (Blood) 1 week£78.50
Thallium (Urine) 1 week£78.50
Theophylline 1 day£57.50
Thiopurine Methyl Transferase 5 days£151.00
Thrombin Time 1 day£35.00
Thrombophilia with a likely monogenic cause (R97) 12 weeks£1,138.50
Thrombotic Risk Profile 5 days£760.00
Thyroglobulin Abs 1 day£56.50
Thyroglobulin Assay 1 day£97.00
Thyroid Abs (Thyroglobulin + Thyroid Peroxidase Abs) (Self-collect) 2 days£92.00
Thyroid Abs (Thyroglobulin + Thyroid Peroxidase Abs) (Venous) 1 day£92.00
Thyroid Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,100.00
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies/Anti TPO 1 day£56.50
Thyroid Profile 1 (FT4/TSH) (Self-collect) 1 day£77.00
Thyroid Profile 1 (FT4/TSH) (Venous) 1 day£77.00
Thyroid Profile 2 (Venous) 2 days
Thyroid Profile 3 (FT3/FT4/TSH) (Self-collect) 1 day£109.50
Thyroid Profile 3 (FT3/FT4/TSH) (Venous) 1 day£109.50
Thyroxine (T4) 1 day£50.50
Thyroxine Binding Globulin 10 days£128.50
Timothy Grass Components 2 days£301.50
Tissue for culture up to 14 days£89.50
Tissue Polypeptide Antigen 1 week£181.50
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (Coeliac) (Self-collect) 2 days£66.50
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (Coeliac) (Venous)** 2 days£66.50
Tissue Transglutaminase IgG 5 days£78.50
Tobramycin Assay (Provide Clinical Details) 3 days£216.00
Toluene (Blood) 10 days£149.00
Toluene (Urine) 10 days£192.00
Topiramate (Topamax) 4 days£115.00
Torch Screen 2 days£198.50
Total Acid Phosphatase 5 days£52.50
Total Bile Acid/Bile Salts 1 week£85.00
Total IgE 1 day£60.00
Total Immune Function Evaluation 7 days£369.50
Total Immunoglobulin E 1 day£60.00
Total Testosterone, LC MS Mass Spec 5-7 days£113.00
Toxocara Antibodies (IgG) 5 days£82.50
Toxoplasma Antibodies (IgG, IgM) 1 day£82.50
Toxoplasma Antibody Full Evaluation (IgM, Dye Test, IgG Avidity) 10 days£150.00
Toxoplasma by PCR 5 days£172.00
TPHA 2 days£40.50
Trace Metal (Blood) Profile 7-10 days£313.50
Transferrin 1 day£86.00
Transferrin Electrophoresis 2 weeks£276.00
Treacher Collins Syndrome and Related Disorders NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Trichinella Serology 5 days£103.50
Trichloracetic Acid (Urine) 5 days£145.00
Trichomonas vaginalis 2 days£93.00
Trichomonas vaginalis (PCR) 2 days£93.00
Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) – Urine or Vaginal (Self-collect) 2 days£93.00
Triglycerides 1 day£33.50
Trimethylaminuria (Fish Odour Syndrome) 6 weeks£389.50
Trimipramine 5 days£96.00
Triple Swab Female STI Profile (Vaginal/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (PCR) 2 days£165.50
Triple Swab Female STI Profile (Vaginal/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (Self-collect) 2 days£165.50
Tropical Screen (from 6 weeks post-travel) 10 days£229.50
Tropomyosins 2 days£103.50
Troponin I (High sensitive) 1 day£100.00
Troponin T (High sensitive) 1 day£108.50
Trypanosome (Chagas) Antibodies 10 days£151.00
Tryptase 2 days£157.50
TSH (Self-collect) 1 day£55.00
TSH (Venous) 1 day£55.00
TSH-Receptor Antibodies 4 days£165.50
Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC1 + TSC2) . Requires patient informed consent7 weeks£1,200.00
Tularaemia Antibodies 5 days£107.00
Tumour Necrosis Factor – Alpha 2 weeks£185.00
Urate (Uric acid) 1 day£33.50
Urea (Self-collect) 1 day£33.50
Urea (Urine) 1 day£33.50
Urea (Venous) 1 day£33.50
Urea and Electrolytes 1 day£56.50
Urea/Creatinine/eGFR (Self-collect) 1 day£44.50
Ureaplasma urealyticum by PCR 2 days£93.00
Uric Acid (Serum) 1 day£33.50
Uric Acid (Urine) 1 day£44.50
Urinary Bladder Cancer Antigen 5 days£93.00
Urinary Methyl Histamine 2 weeks£129.50
Urinary Tract/Renal Cancer NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent4 weeks£1,100.00
Urine (Microscopy Only) 1 day£52.50
Urine Chemistry and Microscopy (Self-collect) 1-2 days£52.50
Urine Chemistry, Microscopy and Culture (Self-collect) 1-2 days£68.50
Urine Cytology (Urine cytology containers available from TDL Supplies) 2 days£151.50
Urine EtG (Ethyl glucuronide) 1 week£113.00
Urine for Extended Culture up to 7 days£147.00
Urine for Microscopy and Culture 1-2 days£68.50
Urine Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio 1 day£77.00
Urine Organic Acids 3 weeks£300.50
Urine Steroid Screen (Steroid Hormones) 2 weeks£841.50
Urine Sugar Chromatography 3 weeks£184.00
Urticaria Test (Histamine Releasing) 3 weeks£171.00
Usher Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Vaginitis/BV Profile (Culture & PCR) 3 days£150.00
Vaginitis/BV Profile using Culture & PCR Swab (Self-collect) 3-5 days£150.00
Valium (Diazepam) 7 days£109.50
Valproic Acid (Epilim) 1 day£57.50
Vancomycin Hydrochloride 1 day£96.00
Varicella zoster – DNA 5 days£285.50
Varicella zoster Antibodies (IgG) 1 day£80.00
Varicella zoster Antibodies (IgM) 1 day£80.00
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 14 days£227.50
Venom Components 2 days£163.50
Very Long Chain Fatty Acids 4-6 weeks£319.00
Very Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency – ACADVL sequencing . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Vigabatrin (Sabril) 10 days£115.00
Viral Antibody Screen 2 days£190.00
Viral Eye by PCR 3 days£128.50
Viral Respiratory RNA Screen by PCR 2 days£328.00
Viral Respiratory RNA Screen by PCR (Self-collect) 2 days£328.00
Viral Skin/Mucosa by PCR 5 days£115.00
Viscosity (Plasma) 3 days£60.00
Vitamin A (Retinol) 5 days£160.00
Vitamin B (Functional) 5 days£148.00
Vitamin B Profile 5 days£475.50
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 5 days£160.00
Vitamin B12 (Active) (Self-collect) 1 day£70.50
Vitamin B12 (Active) (Venous) 1 day£70.50
Vitamin B12 (Active)/Red Cell Folate 2 days£112.00
Vitamin B12 (Total) 1 day£57.50
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 5 days£160.00
Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) 5 days£160.00
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 5 days£139.00
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 5 days£160.00
Vitamin B7 (Biotin) 5 days£154.00
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) – Red cell 2 days£52.50
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) – Serum 1 day£52.50
Vitamin C (Active) 5 days£160.00
Vitamin D (1, 25 Dihydroxy) 5-8 days£149.00
Vitamin D (25-OH) (Self-collect) 1 day£83.50
Vitamin D (25-OH) (Venous) 1 day£83.50
Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) 5 days£167.50
Vitamin K (Nutritional) 5 days£91.00
Vitamin Profile 1 5 days£331.00
Vitamin Profile 2 5 days£496.50
VLDL Cholesterol 1 week£86.00
VMA 5 days£76.00
Voltage Gated Calcium Channel Antibodies 3 weeks£269.00
Voltage Gated Potassium Channel Antibodies 3 weeks£196.50
Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome – VHL sequencing + deletions/duplications . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£750.00
Von Willebrand Profile 5 days£229.50
Von Willebrands Multimers 3 months£633.50
Wall Pellitory Components 2 days£70.50
Walnut Components 2 days£103.50
West Nile Virus Abs 2 weeks£245.00
Wheat Components 2 days£138.00
Whole Genome Sequencing (solo/duo/trio) 5-8 weeks£3,500.00
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Antibodies 5 days£128.50
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) by PCR 2-3 days£174.00
Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days) 5-15 days£728.00
Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome – BOBs only 5 days£260.00
Xanthine – Blood 2 weeks£109.50
Xylene – Urine 2 weeks£108.50
Y chromosome microdeletions – AZFa + AZFb + AZFc + SRY 5 days£253.50
Yellow Fever Antibodies 10 days £179.50
Yersinia Antibodies 4 days£181.50
Zellweger Syndrome NGS Panel . Requires patient informed consent6 weeks£1,600.00
Zika Abs IgM and IgG – Antibody detection from 15 days Up to 14 days£129.50
Zika RNA by PCR in Semen Up to 14 days£318.00
Zika RT PCR – Window of detection from 1-14 days from onset of symptoms Up to 14 days£228.50
Zika RT PCR – Window of detection from 1-7 days from onset of symptoms Up to 14 days£228.50
Zinc (Serum) 2 days£51.50
Zinc (Urine) 5 days£55.00
Zinc (Whole Blood) 5 days£54.00
Ziwig Endotest® 25 days£850.00
Zygosity Testing – comparative DNA profile 5 days£665.50

2-4 days£81.00